Donation? 4 break-beam sensors and wiring

I have 4 of these:

and ~100 foot of 5 strand 18g wire, plus LED panel lights. Leftovers from a big andon light project. Would the electronics committee be interested? If so I can donate, just let me know where to drop them.



Looks useful to me.

Don’t think the committee has a need for them.
You can bring them in and put on the center table in the ELab w/ note they’re available for the taking.
If no one takes them, then they’ll go to the exchange shelf

@hon1nbo, our future metal shop project?

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I think so

@TBJK and @hon1nbo - do I understand you want these for the metal shop? Should I leave there or in the ELab. I’ll drop them off this evening.

Yeah we do want them. Sorry it took so long as we were in the metal shop changing water & media on the Vapor Hone.

No worries - I dropped them last night on the top shelf behind the induction forge (red bin):

Careful getting it down, the wire spool is heavy/awkward. Let me know if you need help building something!