Domino gone completely wrong

…Or why we don’t cut magnesium.

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Why we don’t machine magnesium.

Spoil sports! :blankspace:

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Ah, magnesium. It can be machined. But I gather it needs somewhat involved through-tool coolant delivery at a minimum. I’ve also heard that recommended setups get even more exciting such as some means of automatically removing and cooling chips as well as provisions for rapidly ejecting the workpiece should it catch fire.

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Indeed they do. The transmissions for Sikorsky Helicopters use a very very high Mg alloy. The machining centers are completely sealed and have massive fire suppression systems including getting the temp down real fast so the fire/chemical reaction can’t sustain itself.

I can remember in the days when dinosaurs walked the earth, race cars had true “mags”. When they’d blow a tire and the rim skidded on the pavement the friction would sometimes light-them-off. Not much to do except watch car burn. Can’t use now. But they were light and strong.


Never knew the etymology of that term before. Thanks…

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We used to cut bug cases right out in the open shop…

I worked Corner Crew for the Sport Car Club for one race. We had Class D extinguishers, and the drill was run over as fast as possible and put out the fire before it set off the mags. Because that fire could light the rust on the frame. It was a boring race for us that race. Thank God!

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The good SCC events tend to be pretty boring. Excitement means SOMEONE had a bad day!

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