Does the electronics lab have ANSYS-Maxwell installed on its computers?

Do we have plans to get something like that?

Have we tried reaching out to them in the past for simulation software sponsorship?

I’ve included a short questionnaire to help guage interest and see if we have enough members willing to pitch in and pay for it.

No just a couple of guys who sit on it for 8+ hours browsing the internet and watch movies. :wink:


It’s unlikely that ansys will give us software. Usually you can only get a gimped version (10k nodes I.e. useless) for coursework.

Purchasing a license would also be out of the question as they are ~$40K+/seat-year (large companies pay even more)

For people looking for alternatives:
ElmerFEM is an excellent open source multiphysics code
Message me for expanded/more specific recommendations


Gotcha. Elmer it is then!