Does Filament Recycler Still Exist/Work & What # Plastic does it use?

I have a bunch of random plastic containers and covers that I can’t bring myself to throw out if they can be reused. Does the filament recycler still exist? What number from inside the recycling symbol does it accept? Does it accept standard milk bottles?

I saw it on the tour last year, but I don’t do 3D yet, so I’m asking. Thanks!

I am not sure if it is still around, but essentially, you tear up the plastic, and the recycler grinds and melts it and then forms it into 1.75mm filament. You have to make sure the plastic type is ABS or PET or whatever 3d printing filament you want and usually add some virgin plastic pellets.
It is not worth the headache and you should just buy new rolls from Amazon and recycle your milk cartons.

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I think I saw some bags of plastic in the 3D lab last night so there’s at least material for it. But I’ve never seen the machine.

The machine was sold a few weeks ago, we never found it to be practical for use at DMS

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