Does anyone own or work for a commercial printer?

In line with my evangelical zest for sponsorships, I’m wondering how much it would be worth to have your company’s name at the bottom of our Dallas Makerspace’s Holiday Gift Fair poster* that could be posted all over town?

This would be a one-time sponsorship to cover the cost of this event’s flyers that could potentially blossom into more.

Just think how much DMS could save on toner if our flyers were professionally printed?

Please reach out to me if you’re interested.

*Pending approval of Directors and Officers

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If your going to approach businesses for sponsorship, there are a few things you should do first.

Get approval before you ask. This way your not wasting your or possible sponsor’s time.

You should specify how many posters you are going to want and where they are going to be posted. All over town mean nothing. This defines the market you are targeting.

Define what the event is and how the company would possibly gain from being involved. This doesn’t always have to be a big money maker, sometimes just being part of a community can help.

Last, think about doing a mailing to the membership. That would be a possible distribution of 2000 people in a definable niche. You could fold a larger poster into an envelope and put a letter with it explaining the event and that you would like the member to post the poster at their office, favorite community center, or any bulletin board they feel it is appropriate for. Also highlight the sponsor in the letter. Then you could approach a vendor that would like to advertise to our group to cover the print cost and mailing expense. This method also distributes the posters for you rather than a group of probably less than 5 taking on the task.

As a commercial printer, it is unlikely any printing business would be gained from our group. As I’ve helped on numerous projects in the past. But, electronics groups, ceramic, leather, and hobby stores would have a great opportunity to market to our group. Even Home Depots and Lowes are possible better options.

Good Luck


@Nick great suggestions.

Two board members basically told me to approach the sponsor first and then go to the board second for approval.

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I understand the soft approval, but we know how things at DMS can get and soft approvals can disappear after you have done work. Also, if you are following through on the mailing idea, you are going to want to get that approved as well. Because advertising to our membership in the past has been a bumpy experience.

Good luck with the ideas, I hope it works out!


Thanks, @Nick.

Reading your comments confirms what I suspect needs to be done: Write up a “hard proposal” draft, submit it to the board for changes and approval, then shop the deal with potential sponsors.

I don’t have the bandwidth for that right now.

Maybe we can get a core group of interested members to brainstorm and research this after the holidays are over.

Again, thanks for your input. It is valuable.

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