Hello everyone, I’m involved in a school organization at UTD and we are looking for a way to showcase an events calendar on a website, and the events calendar for Dallas Makerspace (calendar.dallasmakerspace.org) looks to be incredibly effective for what we’re planning. I was wondering if anyone knew the software solution used to create it.
As an aside, we are also looking to try to install Discourse (which I believe is what’s used here on this forum) on our website as well.
(Not sure if this is the right category to post this, but thanks in advanced for the help.)
Our calendar system was a custom designed application running on a PHP framework called Cake. You can get the files off of GitHub. We have several projects on there: Dallas Makerspace · GitHub
@opajela Welcome and yes this is good category to get some help on coding.
The codebase is written in custom CakePHP using php7.3 and powered by hhvm/hhvm-proxygen on Ubuntu. the database is mariadb 5.5 ran in AWS.
if one is wanting to start their own version or work with the existing code base then its advisable to install docker on your machine then one can use to get a copy of the current code base with all dependencies (including database, os, etc.)