Does anybody have a successful business plan that they would be willing to share?

Does anybody have a business plan that they would be willing to share with me for a product start up company?

I am trying to monetize one of my electronic product ideas so that I can approach investors. Any templates or insights would be most excellent. I am going to go the traditional investing route with a back up plan of crowd funding.

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I placed second at the UC Denver / Jake Jabs Business Plan Competition last year and my plan was essentially based on the Lean Model Canvas developed by Ash Maurya.

I’d suggest you take a look at this page from the Rocky Mountain Innosphere as it has a TON of great information:

PM me your email and I’ll send you a copy of the plan we submitted to the competition.


I had to write a business plan for an Intro to Business class that I took a few years ago at Collin College. In the process, I learned that business plans of themselves don’t mean anything; their greatest benefit is that they get the people who write them to ask themselves important questions about their business idea. That, and a lot of lenders require them before giving out any money.

Me and Thomas in DMS are working on developing a prototype and have recently started a workshop with Tech Fort worth (, a local incubator. They are connected to few angel investor networks in the north Texas area.The directors there are always eager to hear about new products. You can setup a meeting with them if you like. I can introduce as well if necessary.

@iftakher the workshop sounds pretty cool. I will fill out the form online and if you get around to discussing it, let them know I would be interested in meeting them.

Travis Zinger
[email protected]

Sure, i will be there in TFW tomorrow and i will see if I can get hold of any directors. By the way is there any general idea about the product you are trying to promote ?

Thanks and my product is very similar to this.

Awsome, I will let you know by tomorrow. :slight_smile:

You might check with Reece (@ventrifuge) about Ventrifuge…

Hi Travis,

I spoke to Jorge Varella of TFW. He will be at UTA tomorrow from 2 to 5 pm I think. I will send a common email to both you and Jorge so you can schedule your meeting. thanks.