Hey guys I put up a $50 class where we will make your website in like 3 hours from start to finish. I will also help you outside the class if you have taken the class.
Nope no database drive eCommerce in this one, thats 102 not 101
But I’m not opposed to it. You would need these skills first to do a commerce site anyways
Static HTML5,CSS3,JS sites.
- Learn to search for a great domain name using bustaname.com - Play around with ahead of time
- Make sure it’s available on .com, FB, IG & hundreds of other social media sites quickly. Play around with ahead of time. Ex. namechecker.com, namechk.com, namecheck.com
- Register domain on domains.google for $12 a year
- Set up branded email forwarding for free
- Create Google Cloud App Engine Free Hosting - fastest in the world btw - card required but not charged
- Point Domain DNS Records to Google App Engine Site
- Configure app.yaml file for web deployment, https/SSL, hsts and router configuration
- Find a free to $25 HTML5, CSS, JS not database drive web template. Please search Themeforest ahead of time for paid templates & the web for free ones. Ex. the best free html5 css web templates - Google Search
- Explain HTML, CSS & Javascript
- Upload website in console
- ‘gcloud app deploy’ - https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/editor
- Learn to make contact webforms work without server side code like PHP using https://formspree.io/
- Update & Deploy Website
- ‘gcloud app deploy’ - https://console.cloud.google.com/cloudshell/editor
- Submit your website to the HSTS Preload List - https://hstspreload.org/
- Speed Test - https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
- Lighthouse Test in Chrome to find things lowering your ranking
- Introduction to Google Analytics - https://analytics.google.com
- Sit around and update the text and pictures on your website
- Brainstorm/Talk
Bring Laptop. Bring credit card.