Do you remember where you were 17 years ago, today?

Just curious.

This got me thinking when it popped up on the news feed.


Clearly. :blankspace:

Watching TV …

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It’s one of those events where you will always remember where you were.

Others in my lifetime: Kennedy shot, Armstrong walks on the moon.


Cradling my pregnant belly.

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Sleeping and then wondering why all the gas stations were packed on the way to work at 3pm. I remember buying a newspaper to read about it when the guy I worked with told me what happened (no computer at my security job).

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Mowing the school districts yards, i got fired that day. Was a bit of a shock seeing that on the school’s television during breaktime.

I was getting ready for school, running late and I saw the news that a plane had hit the world trade center.

I remember thinking “How the hell do you not see one of the biggest buildings in the world?”

Once I got to school I learned that it wasn’t an accident.


I remember 9/11 - Still breaks my heart.

The Challenger - Breaks my heart, also.

JFK - Fragmented memories of a 4 year old. Still tragic.

Mrng radio news while getting ready for work.

Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrating on reentry.
Double sonic boom. WTH was that?

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I was in Houston wondering if they were next (energy capital!)…

As for JFK - wasn’t born yet but as a kid I sure was angry that my cartoons were preempted when Reagan got shot.

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I was living in Toronto, Canada as my Dad had accepted a sabbatical at a university in Toronto. My little brother and I were the American kids at the elementary school we were attending. On September 11th the Principle of the school came into my classroom with my little brother and told us that they called my mom and we needed to go home. My brother and I walked back home and found our mom watching CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and crying.

I still remember the fear and confusion being palpable.


I was skipping school with a high school girl friend. I remember MTV switching from music to the video feed of the towers. Like a confused teenager trying to keep the mood going I flipped through probably 5 or 6 channels all showing the same thing before I realized something major had happened. Later in the day my parents had figured out I skipped school as I didn’t have a long story like my sister about how the whole school stopped to try and figure out what was going on.

I remember in the weeks following my driving older friends to military recruitment offices and wanting to chance to join with them. Had I been of age, I would of probably enlisted. Given my naive views of manhood and patriotism at the time.

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At work, at my desk. I wound up watching a few hours of coverage through the glass walls of our command center, with 3 TV networks on 3 big projection screens. I spent much of the day contemplating how badly swamped internet news was that day. CNN would only load a page every few attempts, and often took 30+ seconds to load. And I knew it wasn’t just our proxy infrastructure, as I had a port off a separate, local ISP for monitoring the performance of the ISP link for several B2B VPNs.

If it happened today, I would be on a whole different sort of management monitoring call.

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I was in London. I was touched by the instant and overwhelming support of the British people. Despite threats of terrorist reprisal, the PM called for support of America. A couple days later they observed a minute of silence, including stopping all traffic and public transportation in London, including “the tube”. There was a huge memorial in front of the American embassy. Strangers came up to me on the street and stopped me and offered their condolences and outrage at what had happened.

It brought home to me what the concept of “ally” really means.


That morning was my first day of work at a new job. All my new co-workers and my new boss all sat around and watched the news on TV that day. Easy work day but very hard on the heart.

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I was up early because I had to go the hospital for knee surgery
The first tower fell before we left for the hospital, less than 10 min away by the time we
got there the second tower had fallen All the TVs were on with the coverage, prep, recovery and
After I was back home he, my hubby had to go to the pharmacy to get my pain pills and he was struck
with the sight of a low flying fighter jet over the nearby shoppin center

Then we found out that his brother in law was on his way to DC that day, his Senate
confirmation hearing was the next day–deputy Sec of Interior, He ended up stuck in
Toronto for several days

JFK sixth grade classroom in Dallas
Oswald say it live on TV
Man on the moon, Landing–a dog show, walking at home
Elvis death waking up from a nap
Hostage release making choc chip cookie
Reagan s shooting, – watching a partial solar eclipse at the Treasury store
Challenger on Central headed to UTD
Columbia loading the car for an even near Corsicana There was a large piece of her on the
football field of Rice Hs, It was visible from the freeway

I was in the back of our office. I was overhauling a centrifugal compressor, largest low pressure compressor we made. Our wherehouse guy said a plane hit the tower. I said he was full of it & it was probably a radio prank. Next thing I know we are in the conference room with aluminum foil trying to get better reception & see the next plane hit .

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I woke up late after sleeping terribly and happened to tune to CNN. Went to work as a lab assistant at the college and basically got paid to watch then kind of exotic streaming video. Absolutely nothing got done that day. No one was in the mood.

I was sitting at home, eating a strawberry poptart, watching cartoons when the discovery news interrupted the channel.