Do you like playing board games?

Hi! Did you know that DMS has a Board Games SIG (special interest group)? We’ve been hosting a board game event once every month where we just hang out and play games! They have been hosted on Saturdays, but we realize that’s usually a busy day for folks, so we wanted to know if there’s another day that works for people!

We’re thinking of having more than one board game event a month, so if you like playing board games, please reply to this post with which days you’re typically available during the week and whether you’d also be interested in a day where we focus on long multi hour games or TCGs! We cannot accommodate everyone’s day of the week preference but hope that we can get most people’s!


I love board games, but have just been unable to make any of the Saturday events. Not that Saturday’s are always bad for me, but my schedule is very full from September to May. I am typically available on Monday evenings, Thursday evenings (if I’m not teaching a class), and some Friday evenings and Saturdays.


Could you mix it up and do different days and or evenings perhaps? Say a Sunday afternoon or evening or a weekday evening for instance?


I can’t make this month’s game day because I am packing to move, but I wanted to say I would be interested in the occasional long game.

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Hi Jay, as discussed yesterday, I think the current plan is to keep one session on Saturday afternoon, but add another bi-monthly session on Monday evenings at 6:30 or 7 P.M. Would that work for people here?


I’ve submitted an event for October 16 @ 6:30 PM. Should appear on Calendar in the next few days.