Do we know this person


Free Agent Kaepernick

Get a job, buddy!

:confused: :blankspace:


What is your point? I don’t get this post. Or its title.


His shoe donation occurred 16 months ago. Maybe there’s a relevant update to the story?


I hope we know him. Making Justice is another form of Making. Towards a more perfect union, the maker way.


@Photomancer This post is a cheap character shot on a person expressing his 1st amendment rights. If you disagree with his message or expression, then talk about that.

Your negative post does not enhance our community nor improve the discourse. Post it somewhere on reddit instead please.


Maybe I’m being dense here, but what in David’s post is negative? All I see is a partial picture of a meme about a rich football player that donated a bunch of shoes to homeless shelters over a year ago. That person’s ethnicity or political activism, or even his name isn’t mentioned in David’s post.

I agree that the title is a bit odd, as is the posting about something that happened over a year ago.

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Are we talking about Russians now??

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“Do we know this person?”

Which person are you referring to?

The person pictured?

Or the Russian person who bought the Facebook ad that features Colin Kaepernick?

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(99 bottles of beer on the wall)

Calm down there Ivar! Those are bottles of blood, not beer.