Do we have toe plates at the space?
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Do we have toe plates at the space?
Words words words
I’m about 80% certain we do not have toe plates. We once had the Quiktrick Elite setup, and you might find pieces of it around, but I’m pretty sure it’s been abused into uselessness, so I wouldn’t really count on it, either.
No we don’t have toe plates.
You might check with motorsports
It was still marginally usable some time in March-April 2019 if you knew what you were doing, and could work around its condition.
Seeing as we have a plasma cutter, and a brake press, I’d think that making a set would be dead simple. I thought we had some, but I guess not? It’s just a couple of sheets of aluminum with notches for a matched set of tape measures…
My boss has a set that I use every once in a while, and (in all my free time) copying the general concept is going to be pretty easy.