Do we have any paint accounts?

Do we have an account with any particular paint store/chain? Especially one with whom we negotiated a great discount?

PM me if you happen to know the answer.

No. I bought the paint for the Commons area at Home Depot.

So You brought up something I was wondering about. I don’t know how to do it but is there anyway to split this post into one that people can post all the places DMS members get discounts? Not the ones that are for space use only but like the rockler 10% off. Maybe my wiki Fu sucks but the info on that is few and far between. I can just make a post if that’s easier, or if there’s a reason not to have one ignore me I guess.

I’m sure that there will be places that will work with us. Sherwin has given me personally discounts before.

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We have some discounts out on the WIKI.

That is where they should be listed.

A “spare time” job would be to look for discounts.

If you go to a Sherwin-Williams and sign up for an account and give them your email you will get their discounts from 30-50% in a text message. Sherwin-Williams is 90% commercial and their paint is the best on the market from what I have seen.


I agree they have great products, but dont ask them too many details :stuck_out_tongue: . Their knowledge at times is terrible

That’s particularly dependent on the individual storefront.

Yes and no, i’ve found this to be consistent among their various LOB’s home/auto/industrial.

Each store is different. I am in Denton and the one on University is great.

Jeff Whitcomb
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]

I meant no insult to anyone, just relating various experiences.

No offense taken. I have worked in customer service for 30 years.
All companies have a hard time getting educated workers.
I move people all over the world and I can assure you every year it
gets worse for service.

Jeff Whitcomb
“The only good sense is one of humor, without it all the others are worthless.” JCW
[email protected]

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What is bad is when you are a customer and your realize that you know the stock in the store
better than the manager does!