Do we have a wood kiln for drying wood?

Someone (I forgot who) told me we have a place to dry out wood quickly. I have a hazy recollection about a special microwave or something?

Does DMS have anything like this? If yes, where? Does it require training? Etc. etc…


there is a small toaster oven in CA on top of the cubbies to the right of the TV.

Check with @Lordrook for the particulars on proper usage. If you start a fire in CA, we’re gonna be mad.


If you are looking to dry out some smaller wood pieces for stabilizing then yes the toaster oven in CA can be used, however we don’t have a dehumidification wood kiln. They’re really large and expensive. Like $10-50k expensive.

There’s a lumber yard in north Denton that does have one and I understand they charge a decent fee to dry out full slabs.

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The powder coating oven in Metal Shop can be used for drying wood.

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How would we go about doing this?

Its not as simple as just putting the wood in an oven for a few hours. If you dry it too fast it will warp and check.

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The one in Sanger charged about $300 for 10 slabs about 36" x 10’. Their kiln is huge. Basically a barn oven. It sat for about 2.5 mos. and went from ~20% to about ~9% moisture content.


If you have room, you can diy a solar kiln for not much money. DIY solar wood kiln in your favorite search engine will start you down the rabbit hole.

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@Lloyd_Plum might have some kiln drying services available as well.


@Lloyd_Plum has a kiln, it looks about 12’ x 8’ x 8’. Also I’ve used microwaves to dry bowls. 30 seconds on, 5 minute cool down, repeat 3-4 times until dry. DO NOT TELL MY WIFE I DO THIS, it’s probably not a good idea.


We used to have an “extra” oven in the garage. Previous owners had kept the oven after a remodel and put it in a cabinet in the garage. Super helpful at Thanksgiving.

It was awesome for drying out kindling. I’d split a few logs from a firewood purchase and put them in the garage oven at about 180 and leave it there for several hours. Wife was also not pleased.


Usable space is about 14’x5’x5’. Plano Mill - Kiln