Do these belong to anyone

these buckets and sandbags have been hanging around for since at least Sunday.
As you know, there is NO personal storage in committee areas. These need to go or need to go into the dumpster. So I’m putting it out there - FREE bags of sand and buckets to anyone who wants them. If it’s still there Friday when I get there I will dispose of them.

Not sure, could they be suitable for the sand blaster?

Media blaster. Doesn’t use sand. Sand is an inhalation hazard (silica).


Thanks for the correction Chris, you’re right

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I was told that they belong to the girl who is building the ‘tiny house’ trailer (next to the dumpster). It appears that she has quite of bit of material in both automotive and the machine shop.

I have not met this person, but I figured I’d chime in. No one likes to have their stuff thrown away, but yet the number two rule at Makerspace is “Don’t Make a Mess”. The number one rule being “Don’t break our stuff”. We could say number one is “Don’t get hurt”, but that’s covered by rule number 2, as blood is often messy.

If anyone knows this person, she may appreciate the “Head’s up”


I’m pretty sure that rule 1 is “Be excelent to each other”. It is decidedly non-excelent to leave stuff lying around the makerspace.


And the implied second rule is, “Don’t behave in a way that makes us make more rules!”


Your are on the PR side, so that’s the ‘correct’ answer; but people seem to have a different idea of ‘Being Excellent’, so I tend to paraphrase… I also agree that we don’t need any more rules…

If people are leaving things around Makerspace as gifts for me, then I might consider that as ‘Being Excellent’, but since I don’t need any sand that doesn’t help me much; but if those new, shiny buckets are on their way to the dumpster, I may have to save them.

new buckets for Joe = ‘Being Excellent’— likely not what the Board had in mind when they made that rule…


Those were left by a member that had an oil spill and used up a bunch of our kitty litter. They should be in Automotive,


Thank you. I spoke to the nice lady with the plywood and she said it wasn’t hers.

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It may have been bought for the space when it was cold and icy outside. I think the sand was meant to be put in the buckets and used for the iced over steps. Fortunately there was very little ice but I’m sure we can find a place better suited for it.

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Actually, Metal Shop and Machine Shop could each use a bucket filled with sand for metal fire suppression. Need to get a lid for each one and paint it red with “FIRE” painted on it. One in Automotive might not be a bad idea, but definitely Metal & Machine Shops.


Class D fire extinguisher in full manual mode :upside_down_face:

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It’s when the chemistry guys start needing buckets of wet sand that I get reaaaaaaly nervous. This is one of my favorite links on the internet and totally worth the read.