DMS Trivia Night

We’re going to host a trivia night pretty soon(date TBD) with @Haley_Moore as our Quiz Master!

We’re trying to make the categories makerspace themed so you’ll be seeing questions about woodworking and jewelry alongside your general trivia. This event will be for everyone.

We’re not experts in all facets of making though so if you have some great trivia or sources please send them in an email to me with TRIVIA in the subject line. Please don’t post it in this thread- you don’t want the competition to have a study guide.

mell at dallasmakerspace dot org

This should be a fun little event and good way to meet your fellow makers. I’ll post more info when we’ve finalized details.

I’m tagging chairs in this, but please please all members feel free to send me stuff.

@uglyknees @artnerdray @Kluper @artg_dms @themitch22 @LisaSelk @Ashley_Newland @JayJohnson600 @engpin @bscharff @AnneGullett @Nathan_Jones @bgangwere @lukeiamyourfather @LeeCJones @Azalaket @mrcity @jhaskins @Brandon_Green @Gus_Reiter @hasbridge

(I know our Chairs are in flux. These are the ones that I know of, if you see someone not tagged- help me out.)


It’s not that I know so much trivia, its that everything I know is trivial.


If you’re looking for some kind of “game show” theme to add to the event, I’ve made a few faithful recreations of various (mostly obscure) old shows from the 70s & 80s. LMK if you’re interested & we’ll discuss.


That sounds so rad. @Haley_Moore is running the show though. I’m just facilitating as much as I can. Get with her about this.

Fun idea! Ok…20 characters

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I’d be happy to get you trivia questions from vector

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add @artnerdray he’ll soon be the next CA co-chair (safer bet than the dead not voting in Chicago elections)