- option one
- option two
- option three
- option four
- option five
- option six
- option seven
- option eight
- option nine
- option ten
0 voters
0 voters
We are trying to hide the results of the poll but it seems to take you to a rankings when you vote. Grrr…
Results are hidden for me after I vote. I can reload the page to change my vote, doesn’t seem to affect number of voters.
We’re live-coding to get a reasonable solution in place.
Thanks for the feedback, I must have a different view as a Level 4 or creator of the poll.
Awesome, we will be ready then when it comes time to vote for 10x10. Thanks @LukeStrickland & @MathewBusby
Did you refresh your browser? I do not see it on my regular user, nor my admin user.
Worked the 2nd time with a refreshed page. Thanks!
Can we try another test with multiple choice up to 3 selections?