DMS Should Recruit at HAM-COM 2020

This is an informal proposal to @Team_PR and @Team_Electronics to plan on having a table at HAM-COM 2020 next June. HAM-COM 2019 at Plano Center is wrapping this afternoon with attendance expected to exceed 3,500. This is the biggest ham radio event in Texas. I helped with the Richardson Wireless Klub (RWK) table and realized that it would be a good outreach for DMS next year. While the primary activities are technical presentations, commercial vendor booths, license testing, flea market booths and flea market parking slots, there were dozens of non-profit organization tables. The non-profits were primarily ham clubs, emergency communications organizations and a few miscellaneous like the Alzheimer’s support organization.

So what are the characteristics of the better non-profit tables. A 6’ table and two chairs are provided by the facility. A sign to identify the group and attract attention is important. RWK is using my awesome Arduino based mini Times Square sign and have it taped to the large window behind the chairs. Some had demos or samples on the table. I would use a number of large photos of our tools. DMS could get lots of attention with a few projects from various members. A nice handout is essential. A folded letter size sheet with four panels describing DMS and electronics events in black and white at $0.02 each would be adequate. A candy bowl brings extra attention.

What would this cost:
Table $0.00 Free for non-profits
Signs $20.00 Just a guess
1,000 handouts $20.00
Six volunteers to work half day shifts $0.00 We are all volunteer
Tickets for volunteers $0.00 No ticket required for area used by non-profits
Candy for bowl $25.00

Total $65.00

We would probably spend more but a couple of new members for a few months would be a huge return on investment.

My little scrolling 24" LED sign gets attention but its a gimmick assembled with spare parts and is still on a protoboard. I think DMS should spring for one at least 48" long. It could be used for tour nights and many other activities. $75.00 or so depending on length.

Etsy crafters may have seen the words flea market and thought about a table. There were a few such tables but I would not work this venue. These folks show up to spend money on all things ham radio. It is said that a vendor of non-related items commented, “This is the tightest group I have ever seen. If I put out a $100 bill and priced it at $50 they would affer me $25.”

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THAT is the best description I’ve seen for hams. Notoriously tight. They carry homemade spools of 42ga copper wire made from the pennies they pinch.