Dms Public pillow and water ballon fight

Let’s have a dms member pillow/water ballon fight someday soon. Ok good. Glad we agree.


Water balloon slingshot

Non human targets.

There are too many clever folks who will make a slingshot a little stronger and a little stronger until it damages people.

I think adapting an Atl Atl, a spear throwing gizmo, to throw water balloons might be enough technology.



Damage was the plan, hope to see all at Cidercade tonight!@

@Diplomat You’re worried about people making stronger slingshots. I’m scared of what will happen when this band of maniacs turns their efforts to making better pillow fight pillows

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Venkman: “What did you DO, Ray?”

Stantz: “It’s the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man!”

Did we get rid of the trebuchet?

yes, unless gotten rid of since Monday

It would have been sooooo good for a water balloon fight …

Of course the balloons would have to be frozen so that the treb wouldn’t tear them up …

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nah, just get a bigger net, an launch a bunch at one time, so you spread the force out