DMS Pot Luck: September 7th 7-9:30p

You know how to simplify this? I’ve heard something about being “allowed” a certain number of fundraisers, but what if we did something unofficial and informal?

I propose any member who wants to voluntarily participate can. Here’s how I envision it:

We have a table set up as a silent auction with sign up sheets. The auction items are items made by members. When the evening ends, we collect the payment for each item, and consider the amount raised as a donation from the member who made the item.

Example: Joe (a made up person) made a bowl in the lathe. The bowl gets bids all night, and at the end of the night, the winning bid is $125. The winner pays Joe. Joe donates the money to DMS right then and there.

Everyone who donates worries about their own taxes, if any are due on the sale of the item, which probably only applies if the member is in business, but that’s up to them and their accountants to figure out.

If anyone doesn’t hold up their end of the bargain to donate the full amount back to DMS, that person isn’t allowed to be in future informal auctions.

This way, there’s no worrying about DMS “selling” anything as an official entity.

@Edenblue @Tapper @Lampy @NightRanger and other finance people, is this a viable plan? Does it pass a test of not being an official fundraiser?

There’s not really a limit on the number of fundraisers we can engage in, to my knowledge.

DMS can sell things, but: Sales tax must be collected, and the sale must benefit DMS, and not a third party. DMS can also host Maker Sales, however - again, DMS must be a primary beneficiary (but not the only) of the sale.

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Thanks, @Tapper. Are we in a position to do this with such a quick turnaround? We could do a potluck and maker fundraiser on a monthly basis if we want.

Really more a question for the Board, but it should pose little problem for Finance.

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@Tapper, can we get an approval before the event?

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If these are the clipboards you had out on the wall outside CA, they are in CA.

Because we were clueless where they came from

Yes plus about 20 more. Someday we will bring them back to the closet. Someday.

There are a couple hundred paper plates in the supply closet on the southwest corner of the common room. FYI.


Thanks. I’m bringing some lasagna (frozen stuff not special) can’t wait to see everyone!


Please note that the Marquetry class has asked that we do not use whatever room it was planned for. My suggestion would be to move this in the pillar of solitude, with the jam session moving to the 102 warehouse.

would love to have a regular fundraiser! i’ll be there tonight to listen to what people would like for something like this


Per BoD request the Jam Session has been moved to the 102 Warehouse area and the PotLuck has been moved into the Pillar of Solitude room.

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When did this happen? Pot lucks on carpet, awesome.

Santa Fe style chicken and cheese enchiladas going in the oven in 5 minutes.


Happy birthday!


I’ll need some extra mouths for all this food! See ya soon!


Thank you so much, @uglyknees! The potluck was fantastic! It was great seeing everyone, and the food was yummy!


It was fun wasn’t it? Good times had by all, thanks to the crop of A-team humans who helped setup and cleanup, you are thus awarded 20 maker points each. Thanks to Adam for setting up the jam session that looked like great times were brewing - 25 points to you.


Anyone that wants to get an email when we are putting on more DMS Events like this, should contact @anonymous_bosh or the PR committee.

This was amazing - huge thank you to @uglyknees and everyone else who helped!!