I need a DMS logo stamp - pendant size, around 1" square. A rubber stamp would work best but 3D printed might work. I’m also in a hurry - I’d like to get it by this weekend if possible. I was thinking about paying $20 if that seems fair? Please send a PM if you can do this.
While @Haley_Moore had success with laserable speedball rubber, I’m thinking the shapeoko could also handle this pretty simply. I’m unavailable to do it this week, but it should theoritcally be a “5 minute” runtime to cut it, maybe one of our excellent teachers could whip it real quick?
We have a finance group stamp with DMS logo on it. Is this for personal use?
There’s an SVG and PNG on our wiki:
one can easily take that and slice it up (https://all3dp.com/2/svg-to-stl-how-to-convert-svgs-into-3d-printable-stls/) then send it to one of the PolyPrinters.
45 minutes later they have a stamp.
If one doesn’t want to make one then TheStampMaker could ship one overnight for ~$18.
@Julie-Harris how will the stamp be used? Rubber and plastic work very differently with inks. In fact I’ve had zero success with traditional ink stamping using plastics. They simply are too slick. If you plan to emboss with it, then the plastic is a good choice.
I won’t be home until about 4pm, but I may still have some laserable rubber among my stash of laser stuff. If so I can do it and have it for this weekend.
Wow guys, the responses have been overwhelming!! It is for clay. I believe I found a stamp - thank you all.
I made one of these for DMS many years ago. The last place I saw it sitting was in the glass case in the front lobby. It is a self inking stamp.
Just read you last post, this wouldn’t work well for clay.
I threw this together just now: perhaps you could 3D print it and use it.
Ohhhh That’s a fantastic thing I didn’t know could happen -thank you
What is this eva floor foam you speak of?
It’s probably too late for your use, but I printed out some ABS plastic stamps from the 3D design I made.
I’ll drop them off in ceramics this week: if someone tries them, I’d appreciate a photo and feedback on recommended changes, if any.
Awesome, thank you!!! You’re welcome to put them in my box and I’ll let you know.