DMS Field Trip to learn how to roll cigars

I have spoken to the owner of a cigar shop near downtown Dallas, and they would be willing to put a workshop together to teach how to roll a cigar. For a small class, there would be a significant amount of gear that would need to be transported to DMS, so I think it would be easier to have a field trip to their shop. The class would learn the process to build the center of the cigar (filler) and then actual hands on learning how to put the wrapper and end cap on.


I’d be down for that, depending on cost and actual date.

I am interested. Let me know.

Is the cigar shop in Oak Cliff?

this is a ‘smoking hot’ idea.

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That’s the one. Cigar Arts at 504 N. Bishop Ave.

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I would love to do this. @steve

Also interested. 12345678

Way easier than going to Nicaragua. Sounds like fun!

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Just watch out for the Dominicans. They roll them too tight!

I would be down for this!

I love the spirit of this -but I don’t smoke but that’s secondary. I would do this just for the unique experience (of course dependent on the day).


I am down for this!

I do it. Can non members join as well?

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It looks like there’s enough interest for this to be successful. Are there any weeknights that work better than others for you guys. I’ll try to make accommodations, but eventually we’ll just have to pick a date and roll with it.

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I’d go just so I could talk S with friends that are self-styled cigar aficionados.

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It’s BYOB as well, so you can talk S while sipping a nice scotch with self styled cigar aficionados.

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Saturday through tuesday works for me. I have a weird work schedule.

Sounds like a lot of fun! Sign me up!

A few years ago, I was in a very little town about a 150 miles south east of Mexico City. In the town was a little cigar shop that gave classes on how to roll cigars. It was a very interesting and fun class!

Great pic! <!;qewjhbfr>

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Love the pic as well. I spent a couple of weeks at a resort in the Dominican years back and one of the excursions you could pay for was a trip to a cigar factory to see them made. I had big visions in my head and paid to go. When we arrived the factory was a two room hut. A living space in the back with a drunk and passed out cigar roller and in the front a basic setup for rolling cigars. The driver ended up trying to show us how to roll a cigar with his basic knowledge from bringing suckers here multiple times. Not what I hoped for or expected but I had fun that day and that was enough. If I’m in town I will tag along with a bottle bourbon.