DMS Annual picnic planning - Feb 1, 2018 5:30p Purple

The meeting will be in the purple classroom @5:30 and won’t take a full hour.
Jobs will be given out.
I’ll talk about what all we did last year and we will talk about if it stays or goes - also what can be built upon.
New ideas will be discussed and implemented with people in hand.
I created a poll last year and as a group, we voted on April midday and a longer picnic I will try to have two dates to pick between (I’m hoping for April 21st personally)

This will be the 2nd annual member picnic.
Meatier Threads about the picnic to review:


Sounds good see you there.

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I might be there if i can get out of work early enough

I know…it’s early sorry

Can’t make it, out of town. Have fun and make sure there will be CAKE!

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I second this… :slight_smile:

I will do my best to be there,