Display your works in the front lobby

We have returned the small black glass cabinet to the front lobby: If you have items that you’d like to display please let us know by emailing [email protected].

The bad part right now, is that the back of the cabinet is missing, so we cannot lock the stuff up.
We will be encouraging contact information to be shared with your items, especially if they are for sale!

We will be limiting access and time allotted for items to be in the cabinet, but it was a nice way to show off some cool things that can be done here at the Makerspace!


This certainly makes it look like DMS is selling stuff. I thought we’ve been through this recently?


I think that if someone’s contact information is on it, it should be obvious that DMS is not selling it. :slight_smile: But maybe no price tags on things - just contact information if there is a concern? I am just glad that the display cabinet is coming back because that is one of the first things I noticed when I joined DMS. Also, I miss the art squares on the walls! Those things really added to the character of DMS in my opinion.


I’ll bring some burned items from the PAT event!


Need someone that can run the laser, I’ll bring in some .250" plexiglass we can cut for the back door, then add hinges and a lock. That will make it secure for folks that want to display stuff.


It wasn’t quite obvious not-DMS was selling items during the proposed maker sale too, no?

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There were questions, Makers can sell their work thru a
website roe Etch or shows,

I want to do some more research on how 501 C 3s can host
sales events, One of the spaces featured in the review of other
space hosted a co op Etsy store for members,

Adding a business card is not selling, it just contact info,


The rules for ‘selling’ stuff from the cabinet are as of yet unfinished, however, one of the general concepts is that if a widget is sold and removed from the cabinet, another will not be taking its place. It’s NOT a place to make money, but if an item is sold because of the exposure that comes from the cabinet, then that’s great. Even with a back on it, security won’t exactly be Fort Knox, so I’d suggest things of minimal cash value.

Also - My current thinking is that I would prefer to not have prices: This isn’t a sales cabinet, but if someone wants to buy or commission something, they should know how to get ahold of the person who created the item.


Would it be kosher to have a place/shelf/stand up front for DMS makers’ business cards? Or a sheet with people’s websites and other contact info and a blurb about who they are/what they do in a “take one” stand? Or even a place on DMS website wiki where this is listed and general public could find on their own by searching or browsing DMS website? I realize last may be a step too far…

BTW, I don’t sell or try to sell anything I ruin make, so no vested interest in decision…just thought for food.


This is a cool idea. I would like to get business cards from DMS members who have their own businesses. I like to support other DMS members first.


There is always the bulletin board for a flyer / card…

Plus the "Help Line" near the lobby just outside of 3D Fab...


And, a couple of other related threads:
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I think an online solution sounds better than a physical one to me for this, but am open to having my mind changed on that. It would be much easier to search through, people wouldn’t run out of cards and then want to take up multiple slots, it’s easier to monitor…


I think Adam is right.

I also think the “helpline” needs to be electronic as well. I think it could be a cool DMS SMS application. Conceptually, the paper version works. It is not searchable. It could even have alerts for categories where “you” have an interest. For people not at DMS, it is worthless. There are aging issues with requests and completions that the paper version does not handle. I think a variation on the storage software might be useful. A request would post for 2 weeks then an SMS would go to the originator sayings, “Keep open?”. A positive response would keep it open. A “no response” or negative response would delete the request.

Maybe we need an electronic business card “Rolodex”. Searchable. Online. Maintained. Follow the format of the helpline suggested above.


Agreed! I look at it when I’m there but would love to see it when I’m not.


A Trello board may be useful for people to post help request as cards.

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Having a display cabinet in the front lobby was one of the first things I wanted to see when I first toured DMS. This is a great way to show visitors the possibilities of what they can do, and the more variety, the better!

It doesn’t need to be a selling space, and doesn’t have to display prices; but if makers can add their business cards/names/web sites next to their display, then interested parties know where to go to purchase if they want. Keeps DMS free of sales issues, but still promotes the skills and learning possibilities.


I’d even limit it to the Makers name and contact. Keep it to bare minimum in terms commercial transaction. If someone is interested, then they’ll contact the person.


Name, phone number & email?


They also have to display their bank account number, social security number, mother’s maiden name, primary passwords, etc.

Or the maker form: name, committee and RFID number…