Seems to me that while there’s a lot of great offline talk and a strong interest in having a hack-a-thon at the Space, there is not a lot of organization towards that goal.
@Team_VCC and SDC would love to see this happen so in that spirit lets document the goals we wish to achieve and set a few actionables. This thread will be the goto point for kicking that off.
To start off, some of the ideas can be posted below and once we’re solid on the groundwork we can move on to organizing resources and dates…
Because we’re going to run into issues if we don’t have this. @Team_PR and @Team_Logistics should weigh in on this one too.
[draft] Side topic rules and outlines:
copyrights / financial gains / legal restrictions
Dallas Makerspace is not an Incubator. No solicitation of investing for one’s next business venture nor is any financial incentive is being offered.
Participants are contributing their time and expertise to partake in a community event.
Items that are copyrightable material must have registered copyrights prior to the event. Documents shall be filed with committee chairs that are participating as administration workgroup of the event.
Items created doing the event which have not submitted as copyrighted material shall fall under Free Culture licencing
DMS would reserve the right to publish derivative works (ie photos, sound clips, video, multimedia, snippets of text) for promotion of the event and dallas makerspace as a whole on any medium they deem appropriate
Given appropriate copyrights are filed and prior notice submitted with the board, participants should be allowed to run a kickstarter for their project, prior, during, and/or post event.
project acceptance criteria
Project should have at lease a 30 to 90 second pitch
We’ll posted about it on the interests topic, on the calendar, and have fliers made up when the date is set. You know the standard fan favorites for getting anyone to show up to an event at the space.
Either way we’ll be glad to have you attend and if your interested even participate