Taking @Photomancer’s advice and breaking out each of the Hateful Eight No Go materials into its own thread. Less for me to moderate. Off the top of my head…@pinewoodnut, @talkers, @tomthm, @motopilot, @PearceDunlap, @merissa, @JoshW, @gbeauw, @somecallmery, @bpamplin, @BLOOM, @Kati .
Material: “Coated Carbon Fiber”
Danger!: “Emits noxious fumes”
Cause/Consequence: “A mix of two materials. Thin carbon fiber mat can be cut, with some fraying - but not when coated.”
EDIT: Click “like” if original wording is still OK.
As a composites guy I have to ask for clarification. It sounds like you’re Ok with CF fabric on its own, but not a carbon composite that has been cured into a sheet.
I’m all for the no cured CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) although there are likely some compositions that would be safe to cut… but fairly outside of the mainstream composite materials.
As far as the ‘uncoated’ fabric, please be aware that 99% of the CF fabric you buy will actually has a ‘sizing’ coating on the Fibers which is simply a different type of polymer. It is on the 0.05-0.1% resin scale rather than 10-20% resin you’ll see in a CFRP panel, but it is still there and can be quite nasty when burned. It can also be quite flammable…
I’d be very cautious about allowing even unfinished carbon fabric in the Laser cutters.