It appears an unreasonable amount of dirt, possibly clay, was tracked in the shop from the pottery area and into the hallway. Please think about keeping some mats in pottery to augment wiping dirty feet so this doesn’t happen again. Thanks.
Mats are a great idea. Where was the mess? I’m lost in the hallway, then you mention shop.
Pictures are also great to determine when the source is.
I’ll pick up one for the committee area but I’m guessing if they didn’t wipe their feet on the mat that is in front of the workshop door before going into the carpeted area they probably won’t do so before leaving Ceramics either. Education is always the answer!
Thanks for the heads up that we might have an issue. If there is a lot of clay dust it usually comes from one of two situations:
New people that just aren’t yet aware. We had two beginner’s classes yesterday and I suspect that’s the cause this time around. I’ll shoot out a reminder to our instructors to be sure to go over this as part of classes. We also sometimes have visitors touring through that get dusty but just don’t realize it. We can possibly help with this as part of laying out our new committee space post expansion, we’ll talk about it at the next meeting.
Ceramics needs mopping. Anyone can mop! Wet clean always in Ceramics. The mops are next to the very tall grey cabinet. I left around two pm yesterday and the floors were pretty okay around the wheels. I can take a look at/fix it tomorrow unless someone snags it today.
Side note: Big Thanks to the folks in @madisonworthington‘s Saturday throwing class for an awesome post-class clean up!
Oh wait! Sorry, I just now noticed this was from a week ago. I missed it first time around, I’m sorry about that, I try to keep on top of things.
The good news, it’s already fixed! I’ll still go ahead with reminders and an extra mat. Thanks again for bringing it to our attention, I was out of town that week and hadn’t done my usual flurry of cleaning.
I usually grab the vacuum from the galley and clean woodshop exit when I see things like this. Certainly informing people about the mats and to clean any tracks up is important though.