Digital Media / Robotic Arm Donation

At the member’s meeting, it was talked about how magic is created when more than one committee works together.

I give you an idea for that … Robotic controlled motion capture projection mapping …
Okay, what the heck is that? Well, just watch …

Box explores the synthesis of real and digital space through projection-mapping on moving surfaces. The short film documents a live performance, captured entirely in camera.

First, the video then the Behind the Scenes …

Bot & Dolly produced this work to serve as both an artistic statement and technical demonstration. It is the culmination of multiple technologies, including large scale robotics, projection mapping, and software engineering. We believe this methodology has tremendous potential to radically transform theatrical presentations, and define new genres of expression.

Behind the Scenes

@tombakerftw @actionjackson

I know the robotic arms aren’t this big, but what do you think?

Here is some projection mapping software … it takes video from a projector and maps it onto a 3D real surface and makes it looks like it changes shape

Mine are about that big

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But thats besides the point one thing at a time…this project would be cool to replicate if we could small scale it…come up with a track for the staubli…build a more flexible cable…