The DM committee meeting was today, turnout wasn’t epic (my fault for putting the meeting on Memorial Day weekend)
BUT we did make some progress!
First up, Digital Media now has a Vice Chair!
WOOOO! Lets hear it for JJ Perry! @apparently_weird
He heard that I needed help, and has stepped up to the plate to offer his knowledge and abilities.
He’s already been very helpful, so I for one am very appreciative.
My minutes for the meeting are ridiculously messy. I’ll try to clean them up before posting to the wiki.
Here are the main highlights.
Green screen > blue screen.
We took a vote and it was unanimously decided that when the expansion happens we will switch to a green chroma key.
Also I’d like to politely remind everyone of the standing rule in Digital Media…
"No food allowed in the Digital Media Room and all drinks must be in covered containers"
I keep finding Dorito fragments and orphaned goldfish crackers, as well as discarded solo cups.
We can do better, Digital Media!
Thanks everyone for reading, if you have thoughts or suggestions for how to improve DM and make the department more accessible to the entire membership please mention them here.