Digital Media: DMS Podcast Project Meeting this Saturday (early evening)

Hello All -

If anyone is interested in the development portion of the DMS Studios Podcast, I will be at this space this Saturday from 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm to work on it.

This podcast will focus on DMS specifically it’s mission, committees, and what members are making and doing around the space.

For now this will occur monthly (beginning in June), but anyone who wants to participate in this project can learn about creating/developing their own podcastas well!

The event is listed, and we will meet in the conference room this Saturday.

Thank you!


Nick will be there! You are doing a great job. Lots of momentum.

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Hooray…and Thank you for your continued support!! Nick gets a high five as well… :smile:

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Another friendly bump ~

Another friendly bump! I will still be here for the 6:00 pm meeting. Thank you!