"Digital" in CA - Let's begin the discussion

During the CA committee meeting (October 11th 7p) we are going to brainstorm and problem solve the “digital room” aka the current conference room as much as we can without being in the space.

In this room we will house:
Vinyl cutter and vinyl storage
Dye sub items - press, printer, etc
Computer(s) connected to said items
The printer (to be a larger discussion not to be determined at this meeting)
Associated desks/chairs/related floating items

Let’s, as an entire membership, discuss what works, what could be improved, what’s wanted (not the printer), what doesn’t work and anything in-between. Like I did with the main room and the sewing room I keep a rolling list of discussion points to be milled over. Team Creative Arts has been having a side discussion on point but I think it’s important to hear from everyone.



Is there enough room for a clean table for weeding, etc.?


The only way I can answer that is “it depends” but I will put that down on the list of wants for the room

Here’s the “dollhouse” pieces so far for us to play with on the 11th - I’m sure we will think of more things to add as well.

59 AM

The conference room is probably not a good spot for all that stuff. When thinking about space, we need to consider usage. Most people when working on projects need about a 4x4 clear area at minimum to work on individual projects. Considering that idea, You would have probably enough room with all the tools you are putting in the room for only one person to work. So if one person needed to use any of those tools, they would effectively block the use of all other tools in the room. To make matters worse, they could close the door and nest in the room making the tools unusable for long periods of time in the day. This is a major issue with the current digital media committee area and they have easily twice the space, but due to the setup and storing of many tools in the room, it is a 1 or 2 user room the majority of the time.

Instead of turning the conference room into the place for using multiple tools, it would probably serve the committee better as a possible location to hold small committee classes, sig meetings, ect. That way you could allow for enough surface space for multiple people to use the room on a consistent basis. Rather than it being a single use space the majority of the time.

I feel like the dye sub press stuff should be stored in there but not necessarily used in the room. The presses take up a fair amount of space and really warm up the current room so a smaller one would be seriously unpleasant after a while. I’d think the rest of it could work as a contained area for the noisy stuff and associated computers.

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I think the hope was the noisy stuff would be contained in there.

I don’t disagree that it would be crowded.


The room isn’t that big. Use it for noisy machines. I think storing dye sub roller in main room is better use of space Conference room is not that big. @sinless Had not considered heat issue, very valid concern, that room would be hot.

So Cary is going to put the whole thing on a movable cart.
@Team_Expansion want to consider swapping the purple classroom for the small conference? teeeheee

I see the rational in this idea. Noise is going to be an even larger issue for CA than it is currently. But, machine noise is probably going to be a smaller issue than the noise of people in the DMS. Currently, CA is separated from the noise in the space by being in the middle of the hall. When they move to the common room, there will be much more noise for CA to deal with, as 2 busy hallways lead directly into the CA. These hallways will work like bull horns amplifying the sounds made in them into the Creative arts area. As there are no doors, the only places were sound can be controlled easily will be the conference room and Digital media committee room.

So I would suggest that if you are planning based on sound, you probably want your loud items in the common area room. As it will commonly be the loudest area in the new creative arts space even when not being used by creative arts. I would suggest that activities that you would require a quieter environment be moved to the 2 rooms.

The problem with classes in that conference room…leather needs the bowling tables and fibers needs to spread out, for starters. I did fibers in there once. Way too crowded. No bueno.

Perhaps do loud printy stuff in the conference room and do weeding out in main room on one of several tables.