I know this sort of post rarely reaches the person who caused a mess, but here’s hoping!
I cleaned a very similar spill of slip off the floor and wheel yesterday morning. This evening it has occurred again, same wheel, same space, same sort of mess. I unloaded and loaded a kiln today and didn’t have time to clean up after you again, if you happen to read this, please come fix the problem, thanks so much!
The only way we aren’t a disaster area in Ceramics is to be super responsible for spills and wheel cleanup. Constant vigilance!
I’ve covered it in my handful of 100 classes and have overheard it talked about in all of Monika’s that I have been adjacent to. I don’t think it is as much that the Makerspace doesn’t convey the import of personal responsibility as it is that some will run giddily away from it until called out.
Light doses of shame and guilt. So effective!
“I crawled around on the floor cleaning the last one, my poor, worn out knees creaking, I really wanted to throw another piece but sponge mopped your spill…/instead/. Sniff sniff. So sad.”
Is there a camera in ceramics? I contend that we should address things like this once with the offending user and then ban them for a period of time. As I’ve said numerous times, if they are doing it in one area of the space they are doing it elsewhere.
Sometimes maybe there is a legitimate reason they didn’t clean up – like they were deathly ill and had to go to the hospital, but most of the time it is simple laziness or apathy. Thank you for cleaning up.
Just an FYI - in the Chair meeting we voted against public shaming. Do we want to educate them so they do right moving forward or embarrass them so they never come back?
Chairs/ vice agreed to try an find the offender behind the scene by camera , messenger, asking around. Then talk with them in person. I can say this process has worked well for the GlassWorks Dept.
I think there is a difference between direct, mean spirited public shaming with calling out a specific person/posting their photo on Talk and light hearted, ‘hey generic potter friend, you missed a spot. Save my creaky joints, thanks ever so!’ postings. The latter also serves as a gentle reminder to all of us to do better for each other.
Please don’t don’t take my shame and guilt away from me, I would never personally get anything done without them. I’m so slothful.
Okay, I disagree that the above post is something that a member would leave the space over (I felt it was friendly enough) but you do, and that’s fine.
@Team_Moderators, feel free to close/delete this thread/post if you feel it is inappropriate.
Mercedes is sweet as Iced Tea. She’s paid for a ton of private lessons. I’m not sure if she’s actually taken 100-101.
The last mess thread was implied as her, when it was actually someone else fwiw. The person it actually was got a pass. Had we allowed the pitchforks to continue to be pointed at her, would have been truly shameful.
I thought this was a friendly reminder and appropriate for our space. Clay is a messy process and some folks are forgetting to clean up all of the areas they used during their time in the space. A simple nice reminder is the right thing to do.
As a community space Members should not have to clean others messes in order to be able to use the space for their project which happens more often than not.
Cleaning procedures are discussed in our orientation class and reminders or help knowing what should be done is the way we will continue to have a space we can all enjoy.
I mean actually clean a wheel. Sweep the floor, mop. I know we are suppose to talk about it, because i shadowed Monika, who does a great job, but i think showing them also is good
I just don’t think this is enough to deter anyone. I’d be interested in finding actual data to support this. People leave the space because they move, it’s too expensive or they finish their projects. Have you seen the cool data sheet that was posted in general ?
I don’t see this as public shaming, you didn’t post pictures of suspects or name names. That said, it is usually a lot easier for us to find the offenders by viewing the cameras.
I agree that maybe we need to get into a bit more detail on cleaning, especially since we seem to have more and more issues with things not being clean for the next person to utilize.
I would be nice to be able to work without having to clean first