DFW area Synth, Amp, and Pedal builder meetup

Hi everyone,

I’m hosting a meetup for people who build or are interested in building synths, amps, and pedals (or other related projects) and I’d like to invite anyone who is interested to join!

Here is the facebook page:

I’m hoping to get a mixture of techies interested in music and musicians interested in tech, so if that sounds like you, come on out to Fuzzy’s Taco Shop 7pm July 10 (1100 W John Carpenter Fwy).

Please stay tuned to the Facebook event for updates if you plan to attend. If we need to change venue, etc, updates will be posted there.

Please pass the link along to anyone you think might be interested, especially anyone who is already building gear!


Oh shit! That sounds awesome. I’m definitely in the latter category.

I ditched FB earlier this year, maybe it’s time for me to make another account.

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I’d love to make it out, but I have work in the evenings. I’ll just daydream about sawtooth waves in solidarity I guess.

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Just want to remind everyone that this is TOMORROW!

Hope to see you there if you can make it!