I sent her an email. Thanks for the info and follow up. Jeff WhitcombAll American Relocation an agent for Mayflower Transit
2100 Bowling GreenDenton, TX 76201
[email protected][email protected]website-www.aacorp-usa.comwww.linkedin.com/in/jeffwhitcomb/“The only sense that matters is humor, without it all the others are useless.” JCW On 05/19/15, uglyknees<[email protected]> wrote: uglykneesCreative Arts Co-Chairperson
May 19
@jeffbob please make sure to get in touch with Heather - I'm simply posting this on her behalf.
To respond, reply to this email or visit http://talk.dallasmakerspace.org/t/denton-looking-for-makers-for-october-take-a-look-see/3009/3 in your browser.
Previous Replies
May 18
I live in Denton. I am an amateur woodturner but would be interested in helping coordinate.
My email is [email protected]. My phone is 903-203-9463
uglykneesCreative Arts Co-Chairperson
May 12
So I was getting a field trip together for DMS creative arts (because I'm a nerd) and I was talking to Heather at scrap and she's in working to create a maker fair in denton - she just sent me this email and I feel like I should share. Because I'm sure many of you want to play along with the shenanigans:
Her email is: [email protected]
Yes, so we are officially a Mini Maker Faire and it's on the calendar to be at the Denton Civic Center on October 17. We are trying to get our marketing team to ramp up soon but for now we have this facebook page and this website.
This is the first year but hope that it can become an every year event. We would love to have a wide range of makers represented. In Denton we have anything from fiber artists, leather workers, laser cutters, metal/wood workers, 3D printing, robotics, music, and much more.
We would LOVE to have representation from Dallas Maker Space there. We are currently looking for sponsors as well as exhibitors. Let me know if you would like more information on either of those.
To respond, reply to this email or visit http://talk.dallasmakerspace.org/t/denton-looking-for-makers-for-october-take-a-look-see/3009/3 in your browser.
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