Dell 5040 with 2 HDD

I picked up a refurbished Dell 5040. Before purchasing, I asked Dell if it would accommodate the included 2.5" SSD as well as a 3.5" HDD. They said “yes, the 3.5” HDD would fit alongside the 2.5" SSD".

I opened it up today, and can’t see how. Any thoughts? I can remove the blue cage holding the SSD, but there are no mounting options for the 3.5" HDD. I’m hoping someone has a thought before I elect to Velcro the SSD to the PS or just send it back…I was debating building a new box anyway…just would really like to have this small one for my wife and keep the 2.5" SSD, the 3.5" HDD and the optical drive.

Per this video, it looks like they replace the optical with an SSD…

Aw hell. That’s still only a 2.5" though, I think…
I know nothing.

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@jast thanks for trying. I was really hoping to get lucky as a that could have an optical drive, a 2.5" SSD, a 3.5" HDD, a video card and be this small would have really setup my wife’s office for quite a while.

The whole point of this was to get her by for the next 6 months, and then it would be come my BlueIris computer. I think I’m going to get my $200 back and just build from scratch…I’ll be happier long tern, but damn my wallet will scream :frowning:

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There is nothing a little VHB won’t fix.

As long as there is a spare SATA port you can make a power supply adaptor cable and VHB the 3.5" drive where ever it will fit in the case.

If there is no spare SATA port you are basically SOL.

there is a spare port

Dell is sending me a 3.5" HDD caddy, I have a power splitter and enough ports, and a collection of various sticky adhesives from which to choose. Seems like we are going to be good to go…