Deep Learning Homework

For those who are in the deep learning class at DMS and those who wish to join in the future.
Here is my homework for you. I highly recommend that you do this over the next week.

  1. Create Google Colab Account (Recommend $9.99 a month version)
  2. Create a kaggle account
  3. Go Through The Python Course On Kaggle If You Aren’t A Python Programmer
    Learn Python Tutorials
  4. 60 Minute Blitz Tutorial On PyTorch
    Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz — PyTorch Tutorials 1.10.0+cu102 documentation
  5. Tensorboard Tutorial For Visualizing Models And The Training Process
    Visualizing Models, Data, and Training with TensorBoard — PyTorch Tutorials 1.10.0+cu102 documentation
  6. Join Introductory Kaggle Competition And Create A Kaggle Notebook (You can use GPUs in Kaggle notebook too, but you are limited to 30-40 hours a week)
    Digit Recognizer | Kaggle
  7. Train an image classifier for the kaggle competition and submit your results to Kaggle, post a link to your kaggle notebook here, and let us know what your kaggle score is!