Dedicated cleanup day?

Penny for your thoughts on setting up a dedicated day for cleaning up and organizing things in any and all areas? One time event or a recurring event of some kind? Opinion from me starts here: In the last few months things have gotten particularly messy and unorganized in pretty much every area of the space in a way that hasn’t been an issue for several years. It has gotten to the point of affecting usability (at least for me) which is why I’ve brought it up. I think an extra large dumpster for a weekend should be part of the plan. Feel free to disagree but please be respectful either way.


I like the idea except having the entire space on one day. I believe it would work better to have one area (e.g. woodworking) on one day. That would allow members unfamiliar with an area (e.g. members who have never done any woodworking) to directly interact with members who had; essentially a mini-tour with some necessary housekeeping handled.


Several areas have had work days fired arts has, I knwo metal shor has one coming up
Jewelry is not bad, the cubbies in CA can use soem work

What area have you noticed are messy?

Creative Arts could certainly use a work day, or two

I agree with @lukeiamyourfather. I’ve shown up at the space early in the mornings lately. There may be 3 people in the space when I’ve walked thru. When I see something when I come in, I keep an eye on it for 2-3 hours. If nothing’s done and no one has gone near it, I take care of it. Between throwing empty coffee cups away at plasma table, sweeping up aluminum shavings all over the floor, empty cups left on work tables, putting back an impact drill left in CA in front of design computers, plus countless others I get frustrated at how little care the space is shown. Perhaps the broken window syndrome is in effect and a day of giving back is needed to snap people out of distraction.


While I think this is a great idea, unless it happens regularly and with a fair frequency it will be something like this


True Walter, but nothing at all would be much worse


As I recall this worked out well for the little boy, as well as the community, and, indeed, the whole of Holland, what with it being saved, and all…
So while your words seems to suggest this “cleanup day” is pointless, your overall allegory seems supportive…


Yes in the myth it worked out well. In reality, the boy would have died and the town would have been flooded.

I don’t think cleanup day is pointless, but I suggest that if the idea is to ‘cleanup’ rather than organize it would be pointless. If the cleanup day occurred today, and all 1500 members kicked in the place would be spotless. Until tomorrow, or perhaps the next day. Because the same people using the space and leaving their crap behind would start doing so again.

A regular organization day, where tools are maintained, things are put back, wear and tear on the organization structure (or creating such as in some committees) would be a wonderful thing. But this is separate from dealing with the problem of people not cleaning up after themselves, indeed it will help to make that problem worse by facilitating the poor behavior.

By all means organize and maintain, but lets start holding people responsible for leaving their crap, especially food waste, laying around the space.

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I like the idea; it’s better than doing nothing and might bring to us all a bit closer of a group dynamic with some extra cross pollination going on. I wouldn’t close the space to regular business though, we’d need to work around classes and what not. Perhaps have a schedule of times where certain areas will be shut down for a few hours while the horde passes through? Board supplies sodas, pizza (and cake!) and we get as far as we can as fast as we can.

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