Decoding Iridium satellite w/ SDR

For those of you who have not seen this already:

HOPE XI: Iridium

(edit: I didn’t like that SWF player trying to pop up. WARNING: Clicking on link will go to a page which contains Flash)

Moral: security through obscurity is no security at all.

That is really security 101. Too bad so many businesses refuse to learn it from others.

Two thoughts…

I had no idea that Roosevelts civilian conservation corp (CCC) was still around… I HATE acronyms…

We have far too many people who either claim expertise or are willing to produce products for which they are not qualified.

RTFM, man. :slight_smile:

The problem with acronyms is you have to read the right manual to know what they mean by that particular set of characters.

The proper way to use an acronym is to spell out the full text the first time an acronym is used then follow it with the acronym in parenthesis.

ie too many fracking acronyms (TMFA)…