I would suspect we had about 30-45 people at the Festivus last Saturday. I hope all left happy and bellies were fed with love.
@Lampy was the OG on the spot Some serious thanks goes out to that beast of a man. @Nick and @brsims were in tuned backup dancers for the nights festivities as well. I’m not trying to lessen the efforts of the two by Ken brought a tent. Much thanks goes out to them and the efforts of a few to please the bunch. Please take a minute to shower them with praise and admiration.
Astrud @Adam_Oas and @Photomancer Michael and I’m sure others helped me setup the room and get it ready for everyone to pounce on. Tons of food, tons of fellowship, tons of spam.
Mark your calendars for Feb 16th - that’s when I think the next will be. I think every other month is a good time for this.
I think it went well but I have some suggestions to make the next better - which I will work on. One thing I want to do is work on the formation of a “happyass team” if you will or a group of people who take on specific roles to help get the dinners off the ground/cleaned up after. So stay tuned for that. Thank you to the tribe of people it took to clean up. It’s kinda crazy the mess that’s left by a group of grown ass adults. Ya, I’m totally passive aggressive.
Many, many years ago when I think I was 4 or 5 my dad took me to the pharmacist s Christmas party
As the youngest person there, I got the fun of drawing the door prize numbers
You guessed it, I drew my Dad s and then I drew my own number! Both for ashtrays that allowed the stinky,
cig to be dropped into the bottom Both of my parents smoked and I hated it
So I approved of these ashtrays
Because it’s auto-set to only inside LISD and I did it all from my phone and I’m not sure how to fix it because…technology is scary.
Sorry kids, sat down and did it up right for ya.