Data General Eclipse

I’ve found an old Data General Eclipse (s/130 I think) mini computer in a family garage. Does anyone know where I could find more information about these machines?

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My son would be very interested in the computer to go with his Data Genera Nova.

A web search turns up quite a bit of information.

Try Minis and Mainframes | Vintage Computer Federation Forums for specific questions.

This computer Isn’t operable though I would like to make it so. Do you think he would be willing to help me see whats on the hard disk after I make sure its not damaged? The label on the side has worn off so I’m not sure what kind of drive its for But It look similar to the removable platters used in CDC 9427 Hawk disk drives.

No. He’s still learning the basics on his. :slight_smile:

There is an amazing amount of information about the Nova here:

I did not know it provided inspiration for the Xerox Alto, Apple 1 and the Altair front panel.