Cosplay Makerspace Dallas will be hosting a Costume party on the 26th of Oct starting at 5:00 and going on till we are done:
some food and drinks will be provided as well as some entertainment, anyone and everyone is welcome to attend, and you are welcome to bring a food dish or beverage.
This was in the Uncategorized category - which means no one can see it except the first time it shows up as “new”. I moved it into the Cosplay category.
I didn’t put it into DMS General because that’s a Members only category - which may or may not be your intent.
Please feel free to change the category to anything you think is more relevant.
This is a party, with food and drinks and costumes, that happens to be showing a short 45 min movie we thought people might like, the party is not the movie. There are invites on My facebook page and on the cosplay Makerspace Dallas face book page so not worried about the attendance b ut I do want to make sure there is enough food, drinks and booze for everyone to have a good time.
Party is tomorrow, looking forward to seeing everyone, across all the Facebook pages we are posting on it looks like a good sized crowed. I will be making some stuffed mushroom caps for the party and getting some cookies and chips, PLEASE feel free to bring some chips, or cookies or make up your favorite party snack, looks like it going to be a lot of fun.