Cutting Acrylic Sheet Down to Laser Bed Size

I am working on a project and plan on purchasing a few full sheets of 1/4" acrylic from Allied. The largest parts I am cutting for the project are around 2’x18". Most pieces are smaller.

I was wondering what would be the best way to get these sheets cut down to size so they fit on the laser bed?

I thought about using the delta, but is that allowed and is there a blade available that would be good for acrylic?

There’s supposed to be a blade in there for cutting plastic, but we were unable to find it during the woodshop basics class on Monday.

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You can also have Allied cut it.


Last I checked, the 60 tooth blade was in one of the red rubber carry sheathes. the ‘60’ is very lightly engraved and almost impossible to see.


Thanks everyone! I will look around next time I am at the space.

Once I get all the files designed, I may just see if I can fit them on 24"x 48" sheets and have allied cut the sheets that way.

Doesn’t the big Thunder have the pass-thru door(s) for big sheet goods? Open 'er up and cut it on the laser!

Call around to different plastics companies - many will cut them down to 2’ x 4’ for basically nothing. That’s what I use.

I have also cut plastic many times on the delta and the saw stop saw. there is a plastics blade in the drawer. Last I was in there only the 10" blade was there.

Unless something has changed, cutting plastic on the sawstop is forbidden.