Cut off wheels in Metal Shop?

I was at the space today to do some stick welding and to cut a couple of pieces of angle iron. I looked eve 1/rywhere but could not find any cut off wheels for the 4 1/2" angle grinder. Does anyone know where they’re kept? I would have brought my own but I thought I would find 1 or 2 there.

Thanks for any help.

Check the red tool chest.

Alternatively use the cold cut saw in machine, or the horizonal band saw if
the piece isn’t too thin

Thanks. I checked the red tool chest and found a couple of ones that were way too small in the drawer with the angle grinders. Why would someone put a completely worn down cut off wheel back in the tool chest?

Anyway, I checked the gray cabinet, I checked over in the workspace where the power tools are hung on the wall, I looked around in the Machine Shop. No luck.

I always bring my own cut off, grinding wheels, etc. Also .035 tips and even a nozzle. Since i like to know they will be available and in good working condition, i also bring my own grinders. Oh yeah also clamps, magnets in various sizes, etc.


sorry, I missed the reply. I’ll try to grab a set of cutoff wheels on the way to the space. Additionally the hand plasma is available, as well as the other cutting implements depending on what you’re cutting
