Custom 45 adapter for turntables


I’d like to make a custom 45 adapter for a turntable. I just want it to be cylindrical like a norm 45 adapter and flat on top, but I’d like to etch a picture into it. I wouldn’t know where to start. So I need to use the CNC machine for this, or is there something else better suited to this?

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I think you might be able to achieve this on the laser with either wood or acrylic. I’m thinking both materials might be too stiff, but there’s almost guaranteed to be some free scrap material near the laser since you need so little of it.

Also laser classes are more frequent and the actual laser cutting time would be minimal.

3D print one. Be done with it.

You are talking about the gizmo that fits in the 45 hole to convert it to a 78 spindle??

This 3D model off of Thingiverse might serve as a good starting point.

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Hello, thanks for the responses. I had thought about 3d printing it, but I actually want it to be made out of metal. Where should I start?

Check with laser. You might be able to paint the metal and then etch off the paint or put Cermark on it and etch that.
The Shapeoko should be able to etch on it if that’s allowed.
You could chemical etch it too I tkink. Ask creative arts.

I would get approved to use the plasma cutter. Much quicker path than going the CNC route since your piece is going to be flat anyhow. As @mikeglass said you can etch via laser or shapeoko.

Plasma is cut only, no etch. The basic shape could be cut in the metal lathe. Then any of the various laser marking, shapeoko or other marking methods could be used.

ETA: might also be some electro-chemical etching options that may make sense.

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