My name is Ronald Chu and I’m the Cubmaster for Carrollton Cub Scout Pack 749. I’m currently working on August’s Pack Meeting Topic of Fire Safety/Fire Building . I was planning on having the Scouts build “Bird Nests” Fire Starters:
I’m trying to source some materials for this project. I recall a that you had a woodworking shop during an open house in the spring. I was wondering if we could have some of the sawdust for our project.
I hope I posted in the correct forum. If needed please move this thread or delete.
I’d recommend using turning chips from the lathes rather than sawdust from the dust collector - that could include plywood and other mystery ingredients.
I saw a video last weekend where the fire starter was made using deep ice trays. Pour in the sawdust/chips, pour heated parafin wax over the chips and set in the fridge to harden. It also has use as a candle. I’ll add it here if I can find the link. cheers!
I do similarly with cardboard egg cartons. I use them for Dutch Oven Cooking. Fill, cool, tear into pieces. I usually just use the lid of the carton torn up to act as a wick instead of the sawdust (or laundry lint).
Some great ideas! I was planning on cutting up an 18 count egg carton into 3 pcs. Then having the scouts place some sawdust into the cartons, we would then pour wax over the sawdust. Then have them top it with some jute fibers.
If you know where I can source some inexpensive wax, please let me know. We have collected some from the parents, but I’m not sure we have enough.
I found some soy wax on amazon(5#) for ~15$. Parrafin is about 20$ for 5# Not sure if using soy vs parrafin wax matters that much.
Try Goodwill and the Salvation Army - look for the big Christmas candles. You can also buy paraffin wax by the pound at Hobby Lobby. One is cheap with a 40% off coupon.
Use a double boiler when melting the wax to minimize a chance of fire. The wax fumes are quite volatile.
Probably not viable for this project, but I keep thinking it would be nifty to set up boxes in your favorite restaurants, and asking people (patrons and/or workers/management) to stuff their used crayons in. Pick up when filled, and recycle.This would be a worthy place to put some of those collected in my opinion.