Creative Arts Studio-Warming Potluck EDIT: Date moved to the 12th

We’ve talked about doing a potluck to celebrate CA officially being in our space, and I’d like to target October 5th at 6pm as the date for that.

I would like to do a silent auction with donated member art, if people are willing to donate. I will personally be donating at least two pieces. Sign up sheet for that is here.

Here is the sign-up sheet for bringing food items to the potluck.

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Have I gone off my rocker? Comment below.

Edit: I’m going to have to move this to the 12th. I’ve got life stuff getting in the way and since nobody has signed up on the sign-up sheets yet I’m moving it. Plus this will give me a chance to do an announcement in the CA meeting that thursday.


@Edenblue thinks that we should make as many of the dishes as possible art themed. I am bringing something halloween themed.

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Halloween theme is good too!


Bump, plus 10 char

Halloween IS art for some. :wink: Figuring our what I want to make for potluck…

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I embroidered this little grey felt zipper bag as a contribution to the silent auction.




You mean 8675309?


I got it! I got it! I found your number on the wall!

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Bump. Just reminding everyone that the potluck is this Saturday! Be sure to sign up at the links in the main post if you’re bringing food and/or silent auction donations!

@uglyknees do you still have the silent auction forms from the garage sale that I could possibly use as a template? If not I can find something.

The 12th is NEXT Saturday.

Oops, yep. My days are off. I’m out of state right now.

The potluck is a week from today!

Out of state? Which one has a time zone 189 hours ahead of us? :grin:


:smile: I forgot what day it was.

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Just sent a link via your google email. Should be set to edit.

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I guilted Wayne into staying home this weekend so I can come! Is anyone else having issues with the food signup link?

It’s behaving now. Was telling me the file didn’t exist. It appeared!