Creative Arts plan Open House - Please take a look

I started a private conversation yesterday with individuals and we started a tentative schedule for open house. It’s still far off so peoples plans aren’t set. Still looking for volunteers to show off some skills inside the CA room. Please take a look and volunteer for a position Updated Sept 1st

Things that we need:
A bunch of DMS cut vinyl to give out
A bunch of DMS buttons premade to give out

Things you can volunteer for:
airbrush demo
vinyl demo
button demo
babylock demo
sewing demos
paint a stranger demo
draw on your knees demo

As a request for tour guides … CA isn’t just “everything that doesn’t fit elsewhere”.

If we (CA) don’t want tour guides to describe us this way (and that’s a quote from a tour last night) then we need to write a sentence or two saying what CA really is.


@Team_PR It’s old and needs to be updated but here’s a quick (and outdated) overview of CA

and heres a packet I made a good long while ago (in need of updating)

As long as I’m trying here’s the copy for the (old) pamphlet: Seth Olson updated it and made it better I’m searching for it - but again, it’s all outdated.

I looked at the wiki, and your links Nicole and didn’t find an actual description for CA. I’m not a writer, but maybe something like this to give a broad-strokes description, then follow up with listing the SIGS, then each specialty tool available. I mostly hear CA described as “Arts and Crafts”. Which, I suppose isn’t incorrect so much as not a real description of the many many things CA has to offer.

The Creative Arts Committee seeks to provide space, tools, and an environment dedicated to creative expression across many mediums. Creativity has no boundaries, so CA acquires and maintains many different kinds of specialty tools, used across several domains, based on member support.


I sent a note out to the committee chairs just a few hours ago on behalf of PR.

One of my requests was for a flyer for each dept and a 2-3min elevator speech. This is useful for both the open house and tours.

Committees are constantly growing, changing focus, adding. Esp Creative Arts.

Updates would be wonderful.


I hear that all the time for anyone that is giving folks a tour

We need some sort of a leather demo

We have 3 hours of leather demo already on the calendar.


I will be out of town that week and unable to participate. It would be nice if someone else could step up and do some cool Shapeoko things.


I expect to be involved in JSM most of the day I will know more
after our meeting on the 18th

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Next time I’m at the space I’m going to try and “raster” with the pfaff sewing machine (freehand embroidery) since it has a feed dog disengagement knob.


Wow! I’d love to see this. I’ve heard of people doing it but never seen it done. I FMQ on my domestic, but freehand embroidery … wow!!

“Drunken sailor on a ship in a storm” would be an accurate way to describe what it will most likely look like, but I’ll take a crack at it and see if I can do something presentable for open house.


I’m so sorry I can’t help with the demos, but it is the day of my 40-year high school reunion. Yes, I’m ancient. Cool, but ancient. :smile:


Bam! Looking good guys!
Lots of positive volunteer involvement lots of good happening!