I submitted the event last night, so mark your calendars!
Let me know what we need to discuss.
what time? Id like to add it to my calendar.
That might be valuable information, huh?
4:45 pm
Ugh. I won’t be there since I run a bowling league in Southwest Fort Worth at 5:30pm on Sundays.
Drat. Well if dye sub needs anything, or you have pertinent information to share let me know.
Things are going well, as far as I know. I installed a teflon wrap on the bottom platen of the 16" x 20" heat press to make it easier to clean. It will also make put shirts on, and taking shirts off easier. We had 3 classed in August after the new printer was set up. I know Lisa did one earlier this week, and I’ve got two on the calendar for the end of the month. My goal is to teach 2-3 classes a month until I’ve personally generated enough in honorariums to cover the cost of the new printer.
I’m working on a multi-media decoration “event” for October. Not so much a class, but more of a “here are things that you can do with the equipment we have at the Dallas Makerspace.”
Good stuff Cary. Do you have plans for Open House also? We will be talking about that at the meeting also
I’m planning to do dog tags again. We have plenty of them, and still have prints from last year’s open house.
Love to be there, but we’re out of town at a craft show…
I don t know yet how much time I am on for in jewelery
I will be on travel so I can’t attend.
(a) I would like permission to buy a pair of thread snips for the embroidery machine
(b) I plan to teach a Babylock class in the near future, but have one personal item I have to clear up before I can schedule
(c ) Per our prior discussion, I plan to set up the Babylock on the second sewing desk and run continuous demos during Open House - unless you tell me otherwise.
1- Permission granted! (Unless you want me to have Mark pick them up somewhere)
2- I’m sure your class will be a hit as usual, I met several new members on Thursday that want to learn to use it
3- demos are a lovely idea!
I’ll take care of it. Thanks!
I have a show next weekend so I will miss it, sorry
I will be teaching some classes using the Prismacolor pencils,
we only have the one large package, would it be possible to add either another large one oe at least a small one to our stock/ I will use gesso, turpentine and brshes from CS
My plan is for the drawing part to be CA and the finishing part to be JSM