I’ve been given the thumbs up to “sell” contents of a darkroom from the school. Ya, I know right. This isn’t exactly a sale - it would specifically (and importantly) need to be a donation to art club and you “surprise” get some stuff. I can take a check or cash but we are unable to do square or anything like that. I’m going to get it listed on Craigslist at some point when I’m not feeling like my entire life is on fire. They are former supplies from classes obviously. A ton of stuff, but I do realize it’s all out of fashion and out of date. I figure somewhere someone might be searching.
How much do I want for this stuff? Not entirely sure to be honest. On an aside I’m willing to trade it for a working drill press or a collection of tools that could be used in sculpture class.
Paintcan pinhole camera
Powdered 5 gallon Kodak powdered developer no expiration found
Powdered 1 gallon Kodak powdered fixer expired 2006 9 total bags
Powdered 1 gallon Kodak powdered developer
Expired 2012 1 bag
24 opened packages of 25 sheets ilford multigrade IV unknown quantity pearl unknown if they have been exposed to light
2 packages 25 sheets opened glossy
8 pearl 25 sheets unopened
28 packages iforld opened pearl unknown quantity unknown if they have been exposed to light
8 packages 25 sheet ilford glossy unopened
1 pack unopened pearl 100 sheets
7 pearl opened
8 stop baths concentrate liquid no expiration found some opened some not
Paper Light safe box
Exposure Paper holder (totally forgot what that thing is called)
Three trays
Assorted Mixing cups
3 Tongs
2 exposure timers - old school swag looking
2 safelights that are totally 1950s and adorable
1 besler printmaker 35 exposure unit
All in “as is” condition. It’s all been in a cabinet forever and was spared from the wrecking ball. This is just an attempt to dehoard and help my kids out in the process.