Counteracting boredom

I somehow have absolutely nothing to do today until 10PM. I feel like visiting the space, but I have nothing to work on, and the food always seems to make me queasy.

Any suggestions?

If you’re looking to help out:

There are a bunch of trivial drywall patches that need to be done in Suite 102. Just walk around the entire office area and Flex and patch (mostly) anchor holes. No need to go into the warehouse. There is a tub of joint compound in the Suite 104 Janitor closet behind the door - I’m not sure whether it’s in good shape or not. You will have to figure out a way to remove the old anchors first.

[EDIT: Stan can let you in]

For that matter, there is also a bucket of paint in the corner of what will become the new common room - it is the paint for the Suite 102 office area. After the drywall patches dry, if you can find an el cheapo foam brush (there might be some in CA), you could touch up those filled holes.

Nicole @uglyknees posted a list of 15minute volunteer tasks for Creative Arts.

I think that @richmeyer and @bmihura were going to pick up a load of machine shop stuff (tools, etc.) and those will likely need organizing and sorting.

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To John’s response- is there a publicly displayed to do list posted in big print on a DMS whiteboard anywhere for stuff like this? I always seem to end up with some time between 3D prints and philosophy meetups - it’d be great to have a list up for such motivated types…

Sometimes karma and being excellent can use suggestions… :wink:


The Science area is not intended to be used as a commissary.


@Robodude919 and I were working on the chair and vice chair shirts in ca for a good long time. Still not done. If you have free time tomorrow please feel free to stop in for the finishing touches.

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